Wednesday, October 20, 2004

FEEDBACK REQUEST: Keeping your blog secret

Do you keep your blog anonymous? - even from your own family and friends?

If so, why? I would really like to hear people's thoughts on this issue.


At October 20, 2004 at 9:27:00 AM EDT, Blogger Shoshana said...

My blog is partially anonymous - only a few people know about it, and even fewer read it. I prefer not to let everyone know about it because it allows me to be freer in what I write. I don't talk about specific people anyway, but I don't want anyone to be afraid to talk to me because they think they will end up on my blog for anyone to see.

At October 20, 2004 at 11:01:00 AM EDT, Blogger Anshel's Wife said...

I was so excited about my blog, that I told my husband. I was disappointed that he wasn't more interested. I just recently told him my address. I haven't told anyone else. Well, someone over the holidays asked me if I had my own blog because I was talking about blogs and I said I did, but didn't give out the address. Otherwise, I haven't told anyone else. I'm afraid that someone might read something and get offended or use it against me. You never know. I try not to say anything that could get me into trouble. If a friend asked me if I had a blog, I would say yes. If I really wanted to be brutally honest, though, I wouldn't tell anyone.

At October 20, 2004 at 11:41:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming where I come from, being the official writer of my blog [] would kill all my prospects of shidduchim. It also makes it easier to write about sensitive issues.


At October 20, 2004 at 2:58:00 PM EDT, Blogger Renegade Rebbetzin said...

ANONYMOUS, baby!!! About as anonymous as anonymous can be, seeing as how my closest family members and most of my closest friends know nothing about it (to say nothing of the shul members), and I QUITE intend to keep it that way. And I think the reason should be quite obvious.... :-)

It's actually funny, though - I know some of my friends have read it - and not ONE of them has asked me if it's me. I wonder what that says about what they think of me?? ANd if it's something I want them to think, or not??

In any case, this may surprise some people, but my husband actually DOES know about it. And so far, he hasn't served me with any papers.

Thanks for the email!

At October 21, 2004 at 2:42:00 AM EDT, Blogger Jason H. Elbaum said...

As far as I know, only one other person knows who I am - and that was an accident (I let it slip by e-mail). My wife is presumably unaware.

I do this partly for the freedom it gives me in exploring ideas; partly because my real name already appears in search engines linked with some 15 years of online ramblings and I wanted a fresh start; partly because my wife is a writer and I don't want to distract her with my own writing.

At October 22, 2004 at 1:19:00 PM EDT, Blogger Jack Steiner said...

I haven't hidden my blog from anyone. It is out there for friends/family to read. I don't broadcast it's existence, so not that many people know about it.

But those that do are welcome to read it. I try to be careful not to use real names so that if I tell stories no one gets to upset.

At October 23, 2004 at 2:20:00 PM EDT, Blogger Batya said...

I have one, the political one with my name, no picture. But then I started another one. First I thought that I would keep it secret, but it developed into a poetic diary, rather harmless and nothing to be embarrassed about. Unless you can't stand my poetry. But it seems like a good release, and now my political stuff gets written more quickly, so I even list both as part of my signature.

At October 25, 2004 at 12:25:00 PM EDT, Blogger Barefoot Jewess said...

This is a great question!

I used to post on non-Jewish topics and ended up with stalkers. One of them has discovered my blog and is looking for information on me, cause she obsessively hits my site every day, all day. I'm guessing the others may soon follow.

Apart from that, I would remain anonymous because it does not implicate the innocent or the guilty. Only my closest friend knows about the blog, and sadly, she doesn't visit it. I guess I'm long-winded enough in RL for her! :)

You have a thoughtful blog.

At October 25, 2004 at 3:13:00 PM EDT, Blogger Erica said...

One public -- shared with friends and family and coworkers, and that sometimes does get me into trouble. One so private that no one knows about it (I hope) but I needed a place to scream.


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